How to Throw a Spooky Hot Tub Party


Spooky season is here, which means you’re likely preparing to get dressed up and get your scare on. We have great ways to incorporate your hot tub into your Halloween party to make it a unique and chilling experience. Here are some tips for throwing the best Halloween hot tub party ever.

A Dirty Hot Tub is the Wrong Kind of Scary

You may want to give your guests a good scare, but scaring them out of using your hot tub because it’s dirty is not the right kind of scare. Be sure to clean your hot tub and its water prior to your party. Clean your filters and test the water’s chemical balance. This will ensure that your water stays as clean and bacteria-free as possible for your guests.

If it has been longer than six months since you’ve filled your hot tub with fresh water or your water just looks dirty, consider draining the spa before your Halloween party. Once the tub is drained, thoroughly clean all jets and surfaces within it. Then, fill the tub back up with water. Add in the appropriate sanitizers and chemicals, and run the hot tub to move the water around.

Spooky Invitations

As is the case with any party, you can invite a small group or a large group depending on your preference. Whether you invite with a letter, online, or with a phone call, feel free to use your creativity to make it as spooky as possible. Some ideas include inviting them to your haunted house and tell them you’ll be serving freshly-brewed drinks from the cauldron.

When creating invitations for your Halloween party, think about your spa’s capacity. If you’re looking for a smaller, intimate get-together, be sure to limit the number of guests to how many can comfortably fit in your spa. With a larger party, you won’t have to worry about this as much because you will have guests inside and outside the tub at all times.

On the invitation, let guests know to bring a swimsuit and a costume that is easy to change out of. Challenge them to make their swimsuit a part of their costume for added fun.

Frightening Decorations

Halloween parties are all about the decor. In order for your party to be a true success, you’ll want to spend a decent amount of time making the space feel spooky and haunted. One idea for your spa is turning it into a “Witch’s Brew” or an “Acid Tub” for the night. If your Cal Spas Hot Tub has LED lighting, set the lights to green. You could hang a sign saying “Witch’s Brew: Humans Needed” or “Danger: Acid!”

If you want to go for an even creepier hot tub theme, consider turning your spa into a “Dead Man’s Pool.” Change your LED lighting to red and place bones, skeletons, and body parts around the tub.

Hauntingly Fun Hot Tub Games

Games are the perfect way to break the ice and set the mood for a fun party. Here are some great Halloween games to get the party going.

  1. Scary Stories in the Hot Tub

Once your guests have settled into the spa, invite them to share their scariest stories. Be sure to have a few of your own prepared to share so you can kick it off.

  1. Guess Who

Have each guest pull an index card from a hat. Each card should have the name of a famous character from a horror movie. Each guest will tape their cards to their forehead and ask yes or no questions of the other guests in an attempt to uncover their character’s identity.

Another fun source of entertainment is setting up a projector where a horror movie can be viewed from the hot tub.

Other Considerations

Some guests may forget to pack a towel, swimsuit, or even a costume. Have a plethora of extra towels available near your hot tub. Be ready with emergency swimsuits and backup costumes for guests who forget.

Ready for an Entertainment Upgrade?

Cal Spas of Minnesota has two convenient Twin Cities locations and our hot tub experts are ready to answer all of your questions to help you find the spa of your dreams for everyday relaxation and the best parties.